As you guys know that school has been organising this event which is some singing competition. Wait wait its some singing competition alright, PATRIOTIC singing competition damn. So most of the classes was forced to join the shit but i suppose only science classes and not bad classes were forced to join cause there was not enough contastances.
My class 4Fadil/Fuck off aka Fo
was forced too then.
The news was spreaded out last Friday. The whole class was shocked and hesitated the whole crap. Knowing it was just some game so we played along like any other pathetic prisoner i mean students. Many arguments during the rehersals and many shouting and scolding and tiu-ing. Basicly there were only 3 days to practice. And everyday the boss asked us stay back after school, no one gives a shit until the last day which was on wed. Last minute rush is just so fun!
And so we sanged Keranamu Malaysia. Im sick of the song after hearing it like more than 10 times? This was the traning pictures.
Gosh the picture looks so BLACK.
The guy seems happy tho.
For the preparation we had loads of ideas. But many were taken out due to dogs barking!! So the best gadget was this.
After the whole rehersal. ITS PERFORMANCE TIME. Went up performed. I guess it was quite good after the performance. So i thought got chance get 1st prize, which was 100 bucks. Wadwouldyou know, we got it! Whee! 100 bucks! But its freakin little when divided.
So yeah our class won out of no where so we were freakin happy.
And Lee Chong Wei won the Sony dude in badminton so thats a double! ;D
Screw you all 5G people btw.
Sore losers ugh.
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