So here's the rules that you should obey if you are tagged.
1. each blogger must post this rules
2. each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves
3. blogger that are tagged need write about their own blog their ten things and post these rules . you need to choose ten people to get tagged and list their names
4. don’t forget to leave them comment telling them they’ve been tagged and to read your blog .
Ten Random Facts About Me
1. I like hanging out with people which means alot to me.
2. I tend to stare at people's nice shoes in the mall ;D
3. I can remember some objects which are not obvious to people but if you asked me to repeat them out i could memorize it easily. I think i have photographic memory. ( Still Testing )
4. I like slacking and slacking brings time to fill in my empty free time. =)
5. I like playing computer games like its so obvious lol.
6. I hate people whos acting to be nice and fake.
7. I hate backstabbers ~.~
8. I love the things that i own which includes EVERY thing =)
9. I tend to jump occasionally in the house when im bored.
10. I love to eat, bring me to a buffet and you wont regret lol.
Peoples to tag:
Anyone la i dun wanna follow this rule since everyone did it already i have to one to tag x)
Signed off.